Weight Loss

According to the Institute of Medicine, to lose weight effectively, you will have to permanently change four aspects of your life:

What you eat.

How you eat.

Your social behavior.

Your activity level.

Time to make a real change in your life.

Late night cravings?

If you’re craving a late night snack and grab something questionable (cupcakes, chips etc.) from the pantry, then you need to ask “you” a couple of questions.

Will this help me reach my healthy goals?

Will this help me become the person I want to be?

If the answer is no, then put it back and find something else to eat. You may be eating late at night because you’re bored or up late. They both can cause you to make poor food decisions. If you do decide you just gotta have a high calorie snack, then you need to move around….clean the kitchen, walk around the house or something. Don’t wanna eat and lay right down. Move around to get that metabolism started.

Did you know?

Even though cooking oils are a good source of energy, they are also very high in calories. Olive, coconut, canola, and vegetable oils each provide the same number of calories per tablespoon….that’s 120 calories. If you really can’t go without oil then at least grab a spray to really help keep the calories down. If you’re an egg-lover learn to poach them in water instead.

Carbs are not the Devil……Well🤔

But……refined carbs on the other hand are….basically high calories with fewer nutritional benefits. Carbs from wholegrain sources like pasta and bread are absolutely fine. Sustainable weight loss by not eating carbs is just a recipe for disaster. It’s just not realistic for most of us. Can you imagine life without bread, pasta, most fruit, and some vegetables? If need be, just cut back on carbs and stay away as much as possible from refined carbs……..track what you put in your body, weigh yourself / try on some new clothes to see if they fit or are too tight, and make the adjustments in your eating habits……Remember, we are all a work in progress.


Thirst and Hunger

You can actually ‘feel’ hungery when you’re actually thirsty. Instead of just grabbing the nearest snack, (often something that may take you off track to obtaining your goals) try having a glass of water and wait for 10-20 minutes. What you’ll commonly find is that you need water, not food.

Track your calories!

If you really wanna get down to what’s causing you to gain weight, tracking your calories is a must do for losing or maintaining weight. Even if you don’t do it every single day, at least track calories for 2 weeks to see where you may improve to reach your goals. Myfitnesspal is a good app to keep on your phone and its simple to use. You may be surprised how many calories you’re taking in and tracking what you put in your body will put you ahead of the game. Tracking goes both ways too…..making sure you’re not getting too many or not enough calories to reach your goals.

Turning Exercise into a Habit

So, you’ve started working out a little bit, but not really loving it. What’s your purpose for working out? Are you doing it just because the doctor said you need to lose weight? Are you doing it just to fit in some clothes for an event? Both examples are short term or temporary fixes. I actually find them to be pretty hard goals to meet in a short time or to your satisfaction. You really want longterm, obtainable goals that come with a ton of health benefits that you probably haven’t thought about. If you are looking to lose weight or just wanna be in shape it has to become a habit. Here are a few things to turn exercise into a habit.

○ Listen to your body: Being a little sore is expected, but pure agonizing pain is a sign to ease up a bit. Work different body parts to give other parts of your body a break. Don’t go all crazy starting off running 20 miles a day or lifting heavy weights when you haven’t been doing any activity in the first place. Its not a race, its an journey. Set some 2 to 3 month goals to meet and build up to more strenuous workouts.

○ Make it enjoyable: Need to get in some cardio and absolutely hate running? Then don’t run…find a more enjoyable way to get it done. Pair some of your hobbies with your workouts. You love to dance? Take a zumba class. Love being outside? Go to your favorite park for a long walk or start visiting new parks for a walk.

○ Warm up before working out: Make it a routine to warm up before your workouts. This helps with reducing muscle soreness, avoiding injuries, and will improve your workout performance. Put on some relaxing music to get in Zen mode, do some arm swings / leg kicks/ walking lunges, and get ready for the workout.

Create a routine, enjoy your workouts, see results, and start feeling good every single day. Great for relieving stress and helps you power through your day with ease.